The Greater New York Regional Umbrella Insurance Policy

NOTE: The information contained on this page should IN NO WAY be used to estimate coverage, apply risk management strategies, or communicate details of actual coverage to anyone.

Go to the Insurance Certificate Request Form

Why should we care about insurance?
Most facilities today have insurance policies that do not extend coverage to organizations to whom they rent their facilities. Often, this is a requirement from their own insurance policies.
As a result, facilities can refuse to rent or lend their available spaces, unless given specific, verifiable assurance of insurance coverage. This coverage would apply to any accidents, injuries, or damage that may occur while their facility is in use by another organization (like an NA Group or Event/Activity).
What kind of insurance assurance / policy is required?
These types of policies are called “General Liability Insurance”.
What is General Liability Insurance?
A standard insurance policy issued to business organizations to protect them against liability claims for bodily injury (BI) and property damage (PD) arising out of premises, operations, products, and completed operations; and advertising and personal injury (PI) liability
How do Groups obtain this coverage?
Because it is very expensive to obtain this coverage on a per-Group basis, the Greater New York Region maintains this insurance policy, through its Regional Service Office, providing this coverage to all the meetings listed as GNYR meetings.
Who pays for the insurance?
Each Area identifying itself as a member of the Greater New York Region pays a monthly amount that is part of the total premium, and is based on the number of meetings that identify themselves as members of that Area.
At the July Regional session, the RCMs are requested by the Region to ask their Areas to ensure that their Area’s section of the online Regional meeting list is up to date so that the Region has an accurate count of the number of meetings per Area.
The sum total is then given to the Insurance Agent who calculates the total yearly premium based on the number of meetings.
That information is then given to the Treasurer of the Regional Service Office, who calculates each Area’s portion based on the number of meetings in their Area and divides it into 10 (ten) monthly payments. The Areas must begin paying in October (our policy runs yearly from October to October).
Why do Groups need to obtain an Insurance Certificate?
Your meeting may be covered by the GNYR’s Insurance Policy but the facility in which your group meets may require proof of this before they allow you to use or continue using their facility.
How do Groups obtain an Insurance Certificate?
The easiest way is to submit a request using our online interactive form (See below).
You can receive the form quite quickly, via email as an Adobe Acrobat PDF file, or have a printed hardcopy sent to you by mail. You can also walk into the RSO to collect the form as a hardcopy.
Alternatively, you can call the RSO (212-929-7117) and submit your request. You can email the RSO ( and submit your request. Or, you can fill out and send us the form provided for you here (Downloads an interactive PDF file).

Questions? Send Us an Email


Insurance Certificate Request Form