The Greater New York Region represents Twelve Areas covering parts of New York City, Long Island and the Southern portion of Upstate New York.
The Regional Service Office (RSO) is open for walk in service to purchase literature, medallions and more. Click for hours.
The RSO Web Store is open 24 hours, 365 days … (RSO phone: 212 929 7117).
The Regional Service Conference (RSC) meets at 10AM, on the second Saturday of every other month (January, March, May, July, September, November) at the Regional Service Office (RSO) or on zoom during the pandemic.
This website has a meeting browser as well as a calendar of events and a list of just online meetings

- Brooklyn Area H&I Needs Your Support. Brooklyn Area H&I Subcommittee meets virtually on the 3rd Saturday of each month at 9:30 am Click for flyer! Brooklyn Area H&I Needs Your Support. Brooklyn Area H&I Subcommittee meets virtually on the 3rd Saturday of each month at 9:30 am. Zoom ID: 918 4532 2849
- Uptown Men’s Meeting of Harlem Celebrates 39 Years Click for flyer! Wednesday, February 12th, 6:30 – 9:30pm. Union Settlement, 237 E 104th St, New York, NY 10029. Food, Fun and Fellowship. No entry until 6 pm. Limited seating, bring a chair. All are welcome, bring a newcomer.
- Kings Bay Area Service Committee Presents “Interim Car Workshop” Click for flyer! Thursday, February 13th, 6:30 –8:30 pm. 430 Avenue W, Brooklyn, NY 11223
- Brooklyn Area Presents “Valentines Day Dance” Click for flyer! Friday, February 14th, 8-12pm. St. Francis of Assisi, basement. 400 Lincoln Road, Brooklyn, NY. Tickets $10 / $15 @ the door. Food and beverages will be sold.
- Open Arms Area “Unity is a Practice of Love” Speaker Jam Click for flyer! Saturday, February 15th, 1:00 – 7:00pm. 111 Schipps Ln, Maybrook, NY 12543. Food and merchandise for sale, raffles. See flier for details
- Westchester Area E&A Present “You’re Not Alone” Speaker Jam & Dance Click for flyer! Sunday, February 16, 2025·1:00 – 10:00pm Thomas H Slater Center, 2 Fisher Ct, White Plains, NY 10601. Speaker Jam and Dance. Food and refreshments will be sold. Dance $7.00. Information: Chair Strawberry 914 304 3890, Vice Chair Charlise 914 250 8049
- Brooklyn Men’s Rap 7th Annual Group Anniversary Click for flyer! Monday, February 17th, 7:00 – 8:00pm. Interfaith Medical Center, 1545 Atlantic Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11213. Food, Fun & Fellowship. Bring a new commer.
- Open Arms Area “Unity is a Practice of Love” Speaker Jam Click for flyer! Saturday, March 15th, 1:00 – 7:00 pm. 111 Schipps Ln, Maybrook, NY 12543. Food, raffles and registrations will be sod. See flier for details
- SI Area E&A Presents “E&A Learning Day” Click for flyer! Tuesday, March 25th, 7:00 – 9:00pm. All Saints Episcopal Church, 2329 Victory Blvd, Staten Island, NY 10314. Join us and learn about serving the fellowship, meeting new people & carrying the message. Info: Candy 718 688 9300
- Rockland Area E&A Presents the Annual “Bowling Night” Click for flyer! March 28th, 2025, 9:00pm. New City Bowl & Batting Cage: 90 N Main St, New City, NY 10956 Description:$20 per ticket (includes 2 games & shoes) Please purchase tickets in advance. For tickets & information: James 914 512 4948, Darren 845 422 7268.
- SI Area E&A Present “A Spiritual Breakfast” Click for flyer! Saturday, April 12th, 10:00am – 2:00pm. All Saints Episcopal Church, 2329 Victory Blvd, Staten Island, NY 10314. Speakers, 50/50 raffles, Food, Fun & Fellowship. Volunteers needed for set up & clean up. Information: Cleve R. 347 400 7629, Ellen P. 917 921 1057